Understanding Cat Behaviour

Why does your cat act the way she does? If you’ve ever wondered why cats purr or knead or what their different meows mean, you’ll find the answers here. Plus, you’ll get tips on how to correct any behavioral issues should they arise.

A grey kitten meowing

Why Do Cats Meow?

Did you know that cats meow to people, but not to other cats? Adult cats that do not live with humans have clear communication with one another. So, why do cats meow at humans?


Why Do Cats Spray?
Why Do Cats Spray?
Your cat sprays to mark his territory, an instinctive behaviour that goes back to his ancestral hunting days. Spraying behaviour is typically seen in unneutered male cats (although somewhat common in females too) and was once used by the cat to let other cats know that the area in question had been claimed and any prey to be found is scarce. Spraying behaviour usually goes away with neutering.
Why Do Cats Love Catnip?
Why Do Cats Love Catnip?
From darting around the house to rolling in the herbaceous scent, your cat's reaction to catnip is as individual as she is. Your fluffy friend may love the stuff, or she could be indifferent to its effects. Knowing how catnip works can help you understand your own feline companion better, and it can give you a safe, fun way to make her day.
Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?
Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?
If you've observed your cat for any length of time, you might have noticed that she spends a lot of time in kitty dreamland. From early kittenhood to the senior years of a cat's life, sleep takes up a significant portion of a feline's daily schedule. When you're contemplating why cats sleep so much, the answer lies in feline biology.
Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?
Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?
Whiskers on cats, although super-cute, have quite a number of important functions. From helping your cat judge distance to assisting your kitty with seeing things close to them, whiskers are quite remarkable.
Dealing with Cat Aggression
Dealing with Cat Aggression
Cat aggression can be a real problem for some pet owners. From scratching up furniture to nipping at hands, feline aggression takes many forms. If your cat has been lashing out at other pets in the home or the humans who live there, you might want to investigate the cause to make life with your cat calmer and more relaxed.
Why Do Cats Hiss?
Why Do Cats Hiss?
If you ask a child what sound a cat makes, you're likely to get the answer, "Meow." And while this is correct, it's not the only sound cats make. The distinctive hiss that comes with the feline species is an important communication tool for cats, and understanding what that hiss means can help you better relate to your cat.
Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails?
Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails?
Dogs are known for expressing their feelings through their tails, but they’re not the only pets that do so. Cats also use their tails to tell you what they want — or don't — so learning how to interpret your cat's tail twitches, flicks and wags can help you better anticipate and meet her needs. So, what does it mean when a cat wags its tail? We answer that question and provide some insights into cat tail body language below.
Why Do Cats Purr?
Why Do Cats Purr?
Anyone who has spent any time around cats has felt and heard the distinctive purring sound that most people associate with a happy and content feline. However, there's much more to this cat characteristic. It can signal that a cat is happy, be used as a self-calming mechanism and even have benefits to the owner. Find out the science behind this mysterious sound and learn what it means when your cat purrs.
Why Is My Cat Sleeping in the Litter Box?
Why Is My Cat Sleeping in the Litter Box?
Some cats sleep in the litter box when they're kittens, but if you find your kitty sleeping in the litter box when she's older, something may be amiss and need attention.
Why Do Cats Eat Grass?
Why Do Cats Eat Grass?
Cats are wonderful companion animals and can be a lower maintenance pet for owners who aren't home all day or who can't commit to the daily exercise many dogs require. However, to best care for your feline friend, it's important to understand normal cat behaviour and eating habits.
Why Is My Cat Biting Me?
Why Is My Cat Biting Me?
Learn about why cats bite and what you can do about it. With these tips, you can help your cat opt for something gentler when interacting with you.
Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me?
Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me?
Cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day, and some furry felines can sleep up to 20 hours in a 24-hour period. That's a lot of snoozing, and while much of that sleeping might be done on a favourite perch, bed or cozy couch, your cat might also opt to sleep on you sometimes. Find out some reasons why your cat might choose to snuggle up and sleep on you.