Tips for Feeding Cats

What do cats eat and how much should you feed yours? Purina’s experts answer these questions in the articles below. Plus, you’ll learn other feeding tips, like whether cats can drink milk, eat eggs and other human foods.


Do Kittens Need Special Food
Do Kittens Need Special Food
Do kittens need special food? The short answer is yes. Quality kitten nutrition helps support their growth and development through the first year or so of their lives. Learn more about kitten nutritional requirements here.
How Much Should I Feed My Cat?
How Much Should I Feed My Cat?
Wondering how much food your cat should be eating each day? Your cats age & lifestyle should be considered. Follow these steps to determine how much to feed your cat.
How Much Wet Food Should You Feed a Cat?
How Much Wet Food Should You Feed a Cat?
The Purina cat care experts know a thing or two about wet food. Learn some helpful guidelines for when, how often, and how much wet cat food to serve your feline friend.
When to Switch from Kitten Food to Cat Food
When to Switch from Kitten Food to Cat Food
Kitten food is specially formulated to meet your kitten’s unique nutritional needs. Learn when to make the switch from kitten to adult wet and dry cat food.
Average Cat Weight – What is a Healthy Cat Weight?
Average Cat Weight – What is a Healthy Cat Weight?
What is an average cat weight? Learn from Purina’s experts about average cat weight and how to determine if your cat is the right size. Read tips for keeping your cat active, healthy, and happy.
How to Switch Your Cat's Food
How to Switch Your Cat's Food
You probably already know that eating is one of a cat's favourite things to do. Occasionally, though, you'll find your cat needs a change in its diet. In this guide, we'll examine the reasons you might consider changing your cat's diet and how to switch cat food without disturbing your kitty's delicate system.
A Guide to Water Bowls for Cats
A Guide to Water Bowls for Cats
Providing fresh, clean water and nutritious food is one of the most important parts of keeping your cat healthy and happy. To do that, you need the right tools. The amount of different cat water and food dishes that are available can be overwhelming, but with some research and information you can make a choice that's right for your cat.
What Do Cats Eat?
What Do Cats Eat?
Your cat's diet affects her overall health, and understanding what cats eat can help you choose the right food for your particular feline.
Cat Feeding Guide
Cat Feeding Guide
Whether you're a new cat owner or a lifelong feline keeper, you may have occasionally wondered how much food is appropriate for your cat or whether to opt for dry or wet food. There are certainly many schools of thought on these topics, and your vet may have their own recommendations. Find out everything you need to know, including how much food is a sufficient amount for your kitty and whether dry or wet food is best with Purina Canada's cat feeding guide.
Cats and Milk
Cats and Milk
Learn the truth about cats and milk. Experts help answer if cats can have milk, how much you can give them and the benefits of milk.
Why Is My Cat a Picky Eater?
Why Is My Cat a Picky Eater?
If our cat is a fussy eater, you may have a problem. Many owners can actually create or encourage picky eating behaviour in their cats without realizing it. But once you figure out there's a problem, you can start getting things back under control.
How Many Treats Should You Give Your Cat
How Many Treats Should You Give Your Cat
Cat treats are a great way to reward your cat during training and can serve as a way to strengthen the bond between you and your cat. However, the last thing most cat owners think about when giving their kitty a tasty treat is the additional calories they are adding to her diet. Keep reading for some tips on how many treats to give a cat and how to use treats to your cat’s benefit.