dog with a bowl of wet food in front of it looking up

Beneful® Wet Dog Food

Does your dog howl for Chopped Blends™ or beg for Beneful® Prepared Meals™? Do they prefer more sauce or less in their wet food? Do they like mixing wet food with dry for the best of both worlds? Whatever their wet food preferences are, these feeding tips will help make mealtime easy breezy.

Beneful® Wet Dog Food Feeding Tips

Feeding 3 oz Cans of Wet Dog Food

Give your dog one 3 oz can per 3 - 3½ pounds of body weight daily, divided into two or more meals. Adjust this amount as needed to help maintain your dog's ideal body condition.

Mixing 3 oz Cans of Wet Dog Food With Dry Dog Food

If mixing with dry food, remember that one 3 oz can replaces approximately ¼ cup of dry dog food.

Feeding 10 oz Tubs of Wet Dog Food

Give your dog one 10 oz container per 10½ - 12½ pounds of body weight daily, divided into two or more meals. Adjust this amount as needed to help maintain your dog's ideal body condition.

Mixing 10 oz Tubs of Wet Dog Food With Dry Dog Food

If mixing with dry food, remember that one 10 oz container replaces about ¾ - 1 cup of dry dog food.

Feeding Wet Dog Food To Puppies

If feeding wet food to your puppy, remember that he/she needs up to 2x as much food per pound of weight as an adult dog!

Providing Fresh Water

For your dog's health, remember to provide adequate fresh water in a clean container daily and to see your veterinarian regularly for a healthy and happy pet.

Storage Tips

After opening, refrigerate and use within 2 - 3 days.

Beneful® Wet Dog Food Product Lineup

Beneful® Prepared Meals™

Includes real wholesome ingredients that are visible, in a resealable container.

Beneful® Chopped Blends™

Finely chopped, with real visible ingredients. Breaks apart easily for a Beneful® meal experience like never before.

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