Tips for Feeding Dogs

Whether you need to know when to switch from puppy to adult food or you’re wondering how often you should feed your dog, we’ve got the answers. Explore our feeding dog articles to get advice from our experts.


Can Dogs Eat Oranges?
Can Dogs Eat Oranges?
Yes. Dogs can have fleshy fruit parts of oranges because they aren’t toxic. But does that mean your dog should eat them?
Can Dogs Eat Lemons?
Can Dogs Eat Lemons?
Because your dog trusts you, he may taste or even eat a lemon if you give it to him. But lemons and their flavour are one your dog would normally avoid. A dog who licks or eats a lemon may have a strong reaction to the taste. While it may seem comical, feeding your dog a lemon isn’t a joke. Continue reading to learn why.
Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?
Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?
Flavours help dogs know what foods to eat and which foods to avoid. Though dogs’ taste buds may steer them away from grapefruit, should you coax them into trying the tart fruit? Read on to learn more about grapefruit and your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Fish?
Can Dogs Eat Fish?
Fish can be a good addition to a dog's balanced diet. It's rich in amino acids, just like other animal-based proteins. “Depending on the type, fish can provide omega-3 fatty acids which can be beneficial for skin and coat for dogs,” explains Janet Dempsey, Purina Senior Nutritionist. Quality dog foods have protein like fish as the primary ingredient. Keep reading to learn more about feeding fish to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Beans?
Can Dogs Eat Beans?
It’s common to wonder what foods you and your dog can both eat when you’re preparing a meal. Green beans are a vegetable you and your dog can enjoy, but they aren't even a bean! Can dogs eat other beans? Keep reading to find out about the types of beans your dog can eat.
Can Dogs Eat Corn?
Can Dogs Eat Corn?
We all want the best for our dogs. And lately, you may have heard discussion regarding corn in dog food. Since there’s so much misinformation floating around, you may be wondering, “can dogs eat corn?” We think you should know the real facts before you decide what you believe about dogs and corn.
Can Dogs Eat Apples?
Can Dogs Eat Apples?
Whole, sliced or cubed apples make a great snack for you, but can dogs eat apples? Yes, if you take some care in how you prepare them. Keep reading to learn how to prepare apples for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Eggs?
Can Dogs Eat Eggs?
Dogs can have eggs. In fact, they are a wonderful source of protein. And protein is essential for dogs. “Eggs are considered a gold standard because they’re almost the closest you can get to 100 percent complete, as far as protein goes,” Purina Senior Nutritionist Jan Dempsey explains.
Can Dogs Eat Bananas?
Can Dogs Eat Bananas?
Bananas are the perfect go-to snack. They’re sweet, provide energy and come in their own convenient wrapper. Can dogs eat bananas though? Purina experts say yes—bananas are a great treat for your pooch.
Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice?
Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice?
You may think that dogs are carnivores, but they aren’t. Dogs evolved to be omnivores. So, does this mean you can feed your dog brown rice? Read on to find out.
Is Rawhide Bad for Dogs?
Is Rawhide Bad for Dogs?
Dogs love to chew. So as owners research appropriate ways to channel this behaviour, they may wonder, "Are rawhide bones bad for dogs?" Some are. But you can find rawhides that are healthy for your dog. Keep reading to learn what to look for in rawhide for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries?
Can Dogs Eat Cherries?
Dogs have always been intrigued by people food. Although some foods are safe for our pups to eat, others can cause anything from an upset stomach to fatal poisoning.