A pug looking at the camera

Even the best cared-for puppy may become ill or injured, so it’s a good idea to be aware of the following signs of illness. If your puppy exhibits these or other unusual symptoms, call your veterinarian: 

  • Loss of appetite for more than one day. 
  • Diarrhea, constipation or difficulty with urination – Take your puppy to the veterinarian immediately if he is unable to urinate or defecate, but continues to try, or if there is blood in the urine or stool. 
  • Vomiting – Take your puppy to the veterinarian immediately if vomited material contains blood or other unusual contents. 
  • Fever – Fever is indicated by a dry, hot nose, dull eyes, and a noticeable rise in body heat. 
  • Pain – For severe or continuous pain, immediate veterinary attention is required. 
  • Excessive panting or difficulty breathing – Immediate care is required if there is noisy respiration, a blue tongue or your puppy’s gasping for breath. 
  • Coughing and sneezing. 
  • Head shaking – This may indicate an accumulation of ear wax, an infection or a foreign body in the ear. 
  • Limping – Be especially suspicious of sudden lameness without apparent cause. 
  • Constant scratching or biting may require immediate care if it is so severe that the puppy risks self-mutilation. 
  • Biting and other aggressive or unusual behaviour by a normally even-tempered puppy. 
  • Listlessness or hiding. 

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