Senior Cat Articles

If you want to help your senior cat live her best life into her golden years, our experts are here to help. We cover everything you need to know about senior cat nutrition and special dietary needs she may have as she ages.


How to Care for a Senior Cat
How to Care for a Senior Cat
You may have noticed that your cat is napping more, not playing with you as often or that they can’t jump as high as they used to. These are all normal as your cat approaches their senior years! Just like us, they’ll want to slow down a little as they get older. Read on to learn how to care for a senior cat and how to keep them happy and healthy.
What to Feed a Senior Cat
What to Feed a Senior Cat
As your cat enters the senior stage of their life, they may start to become less active and their metabolism may slow down. As such, they can be prone to putting on weight. It’s important that you give your senior cat the right food to help them stay in good shape. Read on to learn what to feed a senior cat and what the benefits of senior cat food are.