Dog & Cat Articles with Advice from Our Experts

Whether you have a dog, cat or both, our experts are here with all the information and tips you need. We use our Purina expertise to cover topics like dog and cat health, nutrition, behavior, training and more.

kitten looking out from a knit bowl

New Kitten Checklist: What Does a Kitten Need?

What does a kitten need in a new home? Beds, toys, litter boxes, grooming tools, food & other supplies are needed when bringing a kitten home. Read about the checklist of items your new kitten needs here.


A Guide to Water Bowls for Cats
A Guide to Water Bowls for Cats
Providing fresh, clean water and nutritious food is one of the most important parts of keeping your cat healthy and happy. To do that, you need the right tools. The amount of different cat water and food dishes that are available can be overwhelming, but with some research and information you can make a choice that's right for your cat.
How to Discipline a Cat
How to Discipline a Cat
Cats can be wonderful companions, but any pet can bring problematic or seemingly inexplicable behaviours with them, and feline friends are no exception. Here, we'll discuss where these behaviours come from and outline the best methods for how to discipline a cat or, for that matter, how to discipline a kitten.
A Guide on How to Clean a Cat's Ears
A Guide on How to Clean a Cat's Ears
Learning how to clean a cat's ears is not that difficult. It takes just a few supplies, a little forethought, and a heaping helping of patience.
Cat Ticks and What You Need to Know
Cat Ticks and What You Need to Know
If you've ever lived in wooded areas or near grassy fields, you've probably had some firsthand experience with unpleasant problems caused by ticks. These tiny parasites commonly hop on humans while they're hiking, camping or otherwise spending time outdoors. Ticks can also be a nuisance for your kitty.
How to Spot, Remove, and Prevent Ticks on Dogs
How to Spot, Remove, and Prevent Ticks on Dogs
It’s common to find ticks on dogs, even if your dog doesn’t spend a great deal of time outdoors. With such a high probability of your dog naturally coming in contact with a tick, it’s important to know the best practices for removing a tick from a dog as well as for preventing ticks on dogs. Luckily, tick prevention and treatment is a simple task.
Can Cats Dream?
Can Cats Dream?
If you've owned a cat for a while, you already know that they spend the vast majority of their time sleeping. On a normal day, a cat spends about 15 hours sleeping, but cats who are very tired or who have been under large amounts of stress can sleep for up to a full 24 hours.
Understanding Pancreatitis in Dogs
Understanding Pancreatitis in Dogs
The pancreas is located under the stomach at the beginning of the small intestine. It’s responsible for certain regulative and digestive functions in the body. Pancreatitis in dogs is defined as inflammation of the pancreas. In this article, we’ll further define pancreatitis and explain the causes, symptoms, and treatment for it.
How to Identify Ringworm in Cats
How to Identify Ringworm in Cats
As a cat owner, ringworm is one of those words you don't want to hear when visiting the vet. Ringworm in cats is a zoonotic fungal skin condition that's highly contagious and can spread to other animals. In addition, it can be passed to humans by infected animals. That's why it's so important to get your cat to the vet as soon as you see any signs or symptoms of ringworm.
Why Is My Dog Sneezing?
Why Is My Dog Sneezing?
If you've owned or been around a dog for very long, you've probably heard them sneeze. It's a common occurrence in dogs and other pets, and many owners find it funny and cute. However, you may also be concerned about why your dog is sneezing and if it means something is wrong.
Do Dogs Smile?
Do Dogs Smile?
Do dogs smile? You already know that your dog likes spending time with you, so why wouldn’t your dog’s smile be genuine? If you sometimes catch yourself marvelling at how human your dog can seem, then you may have caught your dog smiling at you before.
A Guide to Understanding Pancreatitis in Cats
A Guide to Understanding Pancreatitis in Cats
The pancreas is a small organ responsible for important functions. When it becomes inflamed, this condition is called pancreatitis. Pancreatitis in cats is a common disease and can have lasting consequences on their health if left untreated. This guide provides an in-depth pancreatitis definition and explains what symptoms and causes you should be looking for as well as when to take your cat for veterinary care.
Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture & Objects?
Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture & Objects?
Why do cats scratch, and more specifically, why do cats scratch furniture? If you’re starting to get the feeling that your cat just likes to destroy things, especially your expensive furniture, think again. The truth is that your cat doesn’t have an axe to grind with your sofa or table legs — and her behaviour is actually quite normal.

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