What Healthy Dog Poop Should Look Like

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Dog poop can be a great indicator of your pet’s health. It can be large, firm and range in shades of brown. If you notice any sudden changes, like blood in your dog’s stool, this tells you that something is wrong. Keep reading to learn what healthy dog poop looks like and how you can spot health problems by simply taking a look at your dog’s stool.

How to evaluate healthy dog poop

There are several ways to evaluate your dog’s digestive health:

  • Frequency: your dog should poop at least one time a day
  • Colour: may depend on the food you feed your dog
  • Consistency: firm stools are ideal

What can blood in dog stool mean?

If your dog is pooping blood, or you suspect he is, call your veterinarian as it can be a sign of a problem. Don’t worry about being too graphic or sharing too many details. The more thorough your description, the easier it will be for your veterinarian to determine what is happening.

Blood in your dog's stool can show up in a couple of ways:

  • Black and tar-like: may indicate blood that has been digested
  • Bright red with streaks: may indicate that a little blood has been digested, if at all

How will your veterinarian evaluate your dog’s stool?

Your veterinarian may ask you to bring a sample of your dog’s poop and will ask you what you’ve noticed: diarrhea, straining, a change in frequency or mucus in the poop. Experts use tools like an in-depth microflora analysis, a Fecal Score System and a texture analyzer.

How are dog stools evaluated for health?

There are many characteristics to look at beyond the presence of blood in dog stool. They include:

  • Stool form
  • Odour
  • Fecal density
  • Stickiness
  • Food digestibility
  • Nutrient absorption
  • Stool bacterial levels
  • Composition
  • Presence of parasites

What role does microflora have in your dog’s digestive health?

A healthy gut microflora balance helps promote a healthy immune system, healthy digestibility and good stool quality. A good balance of microflora in your dog’s digestive system can also:

  • Produce nutrients
  • Promote nutrient absorption
  • Boost overall health

How to promote your dog’s digestive health

Don’t wait until your dog has a digestive issue to start caring about his digestive health. Take the proactive steps listed below:

  • Pay attention to your dog’s poop
  • Determine what is normal for him
  • Take note of blood or mucus in your dog’s poop
  • Talk to your veterinarian about changes you see
  • Promote your dog’s digestive health with a probiotic

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