Tidy Cats cats dressed as scientists
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70 Years of Litter Expertise

With all that time in the litter business, Tidy knows how to handle your cat’s, well, business. In fact, Tidy’s entire history began when Ed Lowe invented litter in 1947—and we haven’t stopped reinventing since. Take a trip down Litter Lane and track Tidy’s smart litter solutions from day one through today.

1947 Kitty Litter

The One That Started It All

Chapter 1 starts with an ashy litter box, sooty paw prints and a frustrated cat owner. Enter Ed Lowe, an inventive entrepreneur. He decided that absorbent clay would do just the trick. The new material was soon named “Kitty Litter,” lovingly packaged in 5-pound bags and sold to the public.

1954 Tidy Cat

A New Kitty Litter on the Block

Ed Lowe’s clay-based invention had cat owners everywhere rejoicing and Kitty Litter quickly reached national distribution. In 1954, Ed introduced a new brand of cat-box-filler, which was sold exclusively in supermarkets. The name? Tidy Cat®. And the rest, as they say, is hisssstory.

The art of the scoop from Tidy Cats

The Art of the Scoop

As you can probably guess, Tidy Scoop was Tidy’s first foray into scoopable litter. The magic of Tidy Scoop? Waste was trapped into tiny clumps—which meant super easy scooping…and super happy cat owners.

tidycats lightweight product being held

Litter You Can Lift

LightWeight put a swift end to “bend with your knees” litter forever. This lighter litter packs a heavy punch when it comes to odour control and makes carrying, pouring and storing easier than ever.

ting with commitments toward 100% recyclable or recycle ready packaging, and 100% renewable electricity in our factories by 2025

An Eco-Friendly Future

Tidy’s eyes are on the future and we’re starting with commitments toward 100% recyclable or recycle ready packaging, and 100% renewable electricity in our factories by 2025. We’re focused on quality litter and green innovations for a safe and healthy environment, and we’re always improving. Here’s to 2022 and beyond.

tidy cats product

Putting Cats’ Needs First

Tidy Care represents the pinnacle of our desire to put cats’ needs (and wants) first. This cat-centric litter was designed through rigorous testing for maximum cat approval, ushering in a new era of comfort for all cat-kind.

cat wearing goggles

Tidy Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Reinventing

What could possibly be next, you ask? Well, our cat scientists at the Tidy Lab are always chasing smart litter solutions. Combining our cat litter expertise with everything we learn from you, Tidy looks forward to introducing litters that fit you and your cat’s unique needs.

Historical imagery is courtesy of the Edward Lowe foundation.


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