Cat Articles

When it comes to caring for your cat, you need to get your information from an expert. To see what Purina’s experts have to say about cat nutrition, behavior, development, training and more, explore all our articles below.

Orange cat jumping

Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?

Discover the answer to the common question 'do cats always land on their feet?' Learn the science behind your favourite feline companion's ability to flip.


Cat Dental Care
Cat Dental Care
Just like it's important that you brush and floss daily and see a dentist on a regular basis, your cat's dental health needs attention too. Whether you have a new kitten and you want to make sure their oral care gets off on the right paw or you're dealing with an older cat with suspected dental issues, here's everything you need to know when it comes to how to take care of your cat's teeth.
Can Cats Drink Milk?
Can Cats Drink Milk?
Cats drinking milk is typically the stuff of storybooks and movies — a child rescues a cat, and the first thing they do is feed it a shallow saucer of creamy milk. While events like this are adorable, you might wonder if cats really can drink milk.
How to Care for a Senior Cat
How to Care for a Senior Cat
You may have noticed that your cat is napping more, not playing with you as often or that they can’t jump as high as they used to. These are all normal as your cat approaches their senior years! Just like us, they’ll want to slow down a little as they get older. Read on to learn how to care for a senior cat and how to keep them happy and healthy.
What to Feed a Senior Cat
What to Feed a Senior Cat
As your cat enters the senior stage of their life, they may start to become less active and their metabolism may slow down. As such, they can be prone to putting on weight. It’s important that you give your senior cat the right food to help them stay in good shape. Read on to learn what to feed a senior cat and what the benefits of senior cat food are.
Cat Feeding Guide
Cat Feeding Guide
Whether you're a new cat owner or a lifelong feline keeper, you may have occasionally wondered how much food is appropriate for your cat or whether to opt for dry or wet food. There are certainly many schools of thought on these topics, and your vet may have their own recommendations. Find out everything you need to know, including how much food is a sufficient amount for your kitty and whether dry or wet food is best with Purina Canada's cat feeding guide.
Why Is My Cat Sneezing
Why Is My Cat Sneezing
Cats and humans share many similarities. Both are mammals and both use different parts of their bodies for sensory processing, for example. Another similarity between cats and humans is that both species sneeze from time to time. You may know the basic reasons why humans sneeze. But why do cats sneeze?
Why Is My Cat Biting Me?
Why Is My Cat Biting Me?
Learn about why cats bite and what you can do about it. With these tips, you can help your cat opt for something gentler when interacting with you.
Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me?
Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me?
Cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day, and some furry felines can sleep up to 20 hours in a 24-hour period. That's a lot of snoozing, and while much of that sleeping might be done on a favourite perch, bed or cozy couch, your cat might also opt to sleep on you sometimes. Find out some reasons why your cat might choose to snuggle up and sleep on you.
Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?
Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?
While pet owners might find it convenient if cats could talk to them to express wants and needs, most cats only offer audible feedback in the form of meowing, trilling or hissing. But cats also provide lots of nonverbal communication, including stares, blinks, headbutts and rubs to make their affection known. Find out some reasons why your kitty might be staring at you.
Cats and Milk
Cats and Milk
Learn the truth about cats and milk. Experts help answer if cats can have milk, how much you can give them and the benefits of milk.
Why Is My Cat a Picky Eater?
Why Is My Cat a Picky Eater?
If our cat is a fussy eater, you may have a problem. Many owners can actually create or encourage picky eating behaviour in their cats without realizing it. But once you figure out there's a problem, you can start getting things back under control.
Benefits of Owning a Cat
Benefits of Owning a Cat
There are approximately 8.3 million cats throughout the country, and a full 38% of Canadian homes include at least one cat. Cats have long been one of the more popular companion animals, constantly battling dogs for the number one spot, and it's easy to see why. From their soft fur, soothing purrs and funny antics that are the subject of millions of online videos, cats are an easy choice if you're looking for a pet that gives plenty of entertainment and affection without requiring a lot of time or energy as far as upkeep and daily schedules. Here are just a few benefits owning a cat can bring to your life.