Dog Articles

Part of caring for your dog is understanding his needs. When you need to know more about dog nutrition, health, behavior or training, turn to Purina’s experts. In the below articles you’ll find all their best information and tips so you can better care for your dog.

dog eating a treat out of human's hand

How to Use Dog Treats for Training, Bonding & Rewarding

Treats are a good way to reward, train and bond with your dog. Learn how many treats you should give your dog and the number of calories needed for their diet.


Understanding Pancreatitis in Dogs
Understanding Pancreatitis in Dogs
The pancreas is located under the stomach at the beginning of the small intestine. It’s responsible for certain regulative and digestive functions in the body. Pancreatitis in dogs is defined as inflammation of the pancreas. In this article, we’ll further define pancreatitis and explain the causes, symptoms, and treatment for it.
How to Tell if Your Dog is Pregnant
How to Tell if Your Dog is Pregnant
Perhaps nothing is more exciting than the prospect of a new litter of puppies on its way. But how can you tell if your dog is pregnant? Whether you are a breeder hoping for a pregnancy or suspect that your dog may be pregnant, there are signs to watch for that indicate her condition. Read on to learn how you can prepare for the pitter-patter of little paws in the near future.
How to Stop a Puppy From Jumping
How to Stop a Puppy From Jumping
Bringing home a new puppy is exciting, but it can also be frustrating. Puppies tend to indulge in all types of behaviours, some undesirable to us but entirely natural to them. This includes everything from chewing and barking to jumping on people. Luckily, with proper training and a little patience on your end, your puppy can learn the behaviours expected of them. Below, we'll discuss what you need to know about how to stop a puppy from jumping.
Why Is My Dog Vomiting?
Why Is My Dog Vomiting?
Watching your dog throwing up can be both upsetting and heartbreaking, especially when you’re unsure of the cause and don’t know what you can do to help.
Are Dogs Good for Kids?
Are Dogs Good for Kids?
It's no secret that most kids love dogs. After all, they're cute and cuddly, friendly and often funny; what's not to love? What's not as well known are the substantial benefits of having a family dog when it comes to a child's physical and psychological development.
Dog Anxiety and Fear
Dog Anxiety and Fear
Every dog has a unique personality, and yours is no different. Most are full of fun and curiosity, but nearly all dogs have some fears too. And while it’s only natural for dogs to be afraid of things, some dogs are more predisposed to fear than their four-legged counterparts. Your dog may suffer from anxiety about a number of things, situations or places. Knowing what causes dog anxiety and how to calm dog anxiety can be helpful to caring pet parents looking to support their pets and combat unwanted behaviour.
Do Dogs Dream?
Do Dogs Dream?
If your dog is like most, he may bark or twitch while sleeping, leading you to ponder, “Do dogs dream?” Although there’s no way to definitively know for sure whether our canine companions dream in the same way that we do, science has determined with a fair amount of certainty that dogs probably dream.
Why Does My Dog Have Itchy Ears?
Why Does My Dog Have Itchy Ears?
Some owners may think ear scratching is just a normal part of dog behaviour. And while many dogs will scratch their ears casually, itchy ears can mean something’s wrong with your dog's ears. Ear infections aren’t too rare in dogs, so it’s a good idea to learn the symptoms and how to properly maintain your dog's ear health. Find out why your dog has itchy ears and what to do about it.
Seizures in Dogs
Seizures in Dogs
About 1 in 111 dogs will experience some form of epilepsy. But even more can have a seizure at some point. During a seizure, dogs lose all self-control, which can be very unsettling for their owners. Seizures in dogs are like electrical explosions in the brain, setting off many neurons and creating huge brain wave spikes. Learning more about seizures in dogs can help you care for a dog with epilepsy or prepare yourself for an unexpected seizure.
Why Does My Puppy Have Diarrhea?
Why Does My Puppy Have Diarrhea?
Diarrhea is never a pleasant condition, but when your puppy is dealing with it, it's not a fun situation for anyone. If you're working on training your pup to go outside, diarrhea can also be a challenge to your house-training, as your furry friend may not be able to physically make it outdoors before he goes. Find out more about puppy diarrhea below, including what might cause it and when it's a serious situation to speak to your vet about.
How to Leash Train a Puppy
How to Leash Train a Puppy
The first few months of puppy training is definitely enough for owners to start questioning why the phrase is ‘"herding cats" instead of puppies. But with persistence and the right tools, leash training your new best friend can be fun, rewarding and stress-free. Learn how to leash train a puppy below.
What To Feed a Pregnant Dog
What To Feed a Pregnant Dog
Bouncy, happy puppies are a real mood booster. To produce healthy pups that thrive, pregnant mama dogs need great nutrition from conception to birth — and afterwards, too. That’s where you come in. If you know what to feed a pregnant dog, you can keep your mom-to-be strong, content and well-nourished throughout her pregnancy.